Buffalo Tide
The Buffalo Tide is the competitive team of the City Swim Project. Students who progress through our learn-to-swim programming and demonstrate appropriate skills have the opportunity to represent the Tide in local and regional swim meets.
The team is led by Coach Rick Aronberg, an accomplished coach with more than 30 years of experience and a former national-level swimmer. We set our goals high and work hard to improve individual and team performances. Being part of the Tide gives all of our youth swimmers extra motivation, teaches additional life skills, and enhances the experience of the City Swim Project.
For more information on the Buffalo Tide, visit the team website.
Contact Rick Aronberg at 716-777-0119 or rick@cityswimproject.org.

How to register your child.
How to register
your child.
- Click the Register Online button
- Click #2 Novice, #3 Bronze, #4 Silver or #5 Gold. If you do not know, please reach out to us at 716-768-1530 and we can help.
- Press Add to Cart
- Press the CheckOut Now button that dropped down from the top of the page.
- You will fill in all the areas and complete the registration.
- Please email our Executive Director a copy of your current 1040 Federal Tax Return with Social Security numbers removed or other Proof of Financial Assistance. His email is coachmike@cityswimproject.org.
- If your child has a report card already, please send us the latest copy.
- Once this is done, our Director of Aquatic Programming Coach Rick will email you with the next step of the registration process.
- Please reach out to us as often as you need with any questions.
To be eligible for free or reduced registration, please provide one of the following:
- A copy of your current 1040 Federal Tax Return with Social Security Numbers removed
- A photocopy of an approved application from an assistance program such as:
- Aid to Families with Dependent Children
- Social Security Disability Insurance
- Food Stamps
- Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
- Supplemental Security Income
- Women, Infant and Children’s Program
- Medicaid
- Children’s Health Insurance Plan
- Section 8 Public Housing
- Home Energy Assistance Program
- Direct Notification Letter for Free/Reduced Lunch
Additional information for Proof of Financial Assistance is available on the Niagara Swimming Outreach Application. If you do not qualify for any of the standards, you will be required to provide payment for each registered child. Cost per child is listed on the Niagara Swimming Athlete Registration Form.